Time Series Introduction

  • Time series analysis often comes down to the question of causality: How did the past influence the future?
  • steps to take care

Timestamp troubles

  • what process generated the timestamp, how and when
  • Time zone information
  • Record your own actions and see how they are captured
  • Local or universal time

Filling missing values

  • Forward fill
  • Moving average of past values - use only the data that occurred before the missing data point
  • Interpolation - Determining the values of missing points based on geometric constraints regarding how we want the overall data to behave

Upsampling and downsampling

  • To match the frequency of different time series data
  • We either increase or decrease the timestamp frequency

Downsampling the data

  • The original resolution of the data isn’t sensible
  • Match against data at a lower frequency - we can either downsample, take average, weighted mean etc.
  • Selecting out every nth element

Upsampling the data

  • convert irregularly sampled time series to a regularly timed one
  • Inputs sampled at different frequencies
  • Knowledge of time series dynamics - Treat as a missing data problem and missing data techniques can be applied.

Smoothing data

  • Moving average is used to eliminate measurement spikes, errors of measurement etc.

  • purpose of smoothing

  • Data preparation - Raw data unsuitable

  • Feature generation

  • Prediction - For many processes prediction is mean, which we get from a smoothed feature

  • Visualization - Add signal to a noisy plot

  • Exponential smoothing - All data points are not treated equally

  • More weight to recent data

  • Equation for exponential smoothing

  • Doing smoothing with pandas

  • Exponential smoothing does not perform well in case of data with a long-term trend

  • Holt’s method and holt-winters smoothing are two exponential smoothing methods applied to data with a trend or with a trend and a seasonality

  • Kalman filters and LOESS(locally estimated scatter plot smoothing) are other computationally involved methods - These methods leak information from the future - Not appropriate for forecasting

  • Smoothing is a commonly used form of forecasting, and you can use a smoothed time series (without lookahead) as one easy null model when you are testing whether a fancier method is actually producing a successful forecast


  • Seasonal time series are time series in which behaviors recur over a fixed period. There can be multiple periodicities reflecting different tempos of seasonality, such as the seasonality of the 24-hour day versus the 12-month calendar season, both of which exhibit strong features in most time series relating to human behavior.

Time Zones

  • Python libraries to deal with Timezone - datetime, pytz and dateutil

current time in python

  • Be careful with timezone conversions
  • Dealing with daylight savings can be tricky


  • Processing and cleaning time-related data can be a tedious and detail-oriented process.There is tremendous danger in data cleaning and processing of introducing a lookahead! You should have lookaheads only if they are intentional, and this is rarely appropriate.